
 General

Hello! My name is Wojtek but everyone calls me Felga. I'm a starting dev from Poland. Learning Python and Java. Addicted to music and games. Learning in High school as an IT Technic.

 GitHub Stats

 Development

Discord Theme - My discord theme that i use prob all the time


 Spotify Playlist

 Desktop images

Windows sucks don't use it | ok windows looks better sorry not sorry

Valorant Settings

Mouse Sensitivity: 0.302

DPI : 800

Hand : Left

Mature Content : Off

Map Settings

Rotate : Rotate

Keep Player Centered : Off

Minimap Size : 0.85

Minimap Zoom : 0.858

Minimap Vision Cones : On

Show Map Region Names : Always


Ability 1 : Thumb MB 2

Ability 2 : Thumb MB 1

Ability 3 : C

Inspect : F

Use object : V

Video Options

Resolution : 1920x1080

Material | Texture | Detail | UI : Low

VSync : On

Bloom : On



Crosshair Image